Explore a world of rewards beyond dining

Simply log in to your SquareMeal account at checkout, select the voucher you’d like to use, and enjoy your rewards.

Featured Collection

Explore our Tableware, curated especially for culinary enthusiasts.

Shop with your SquareMeal voucher

Whether you earned your SquareMeal voucher by collecting loyalty points or receiving as a gift – you can easily redeem your voucher at our SquareMeal Rewards Shop.

We have carefully curated a food-lover’s paradise. With gadgets and cookware from loved and trusted brands such as Le Creuset, Smeg, Nespresso and KitchenAid, along with some hidden gems from independent designers. And did we mention? Delivery is FREE.

Don’t have a SquareMeal voucher? No problem, you can still shop with us. And why not download our app and start collecting SquareMeal Reward points? Then next time you might have your own SquareMeal voucher to redeem.

Featured Categories

Discover our Featured Collections, each curated to elevate your shopping experience. From Cooking & Baking essentials to Dining & Entertaining favourites, explore hand-picked products that align perfectly with your SquareMeal Rewards.